Friday, October 30, 2009

The hole in the hart of man

Humans are addicts. We are addicted to our own greed, lust for power and possessions. It’s like we have a hole in our harts, that we try to fill in a materialistic and capitalistic way. But filling the hole this way it’s like nursing an addiction: we feel miserable when we don’t have what we want, but feel great when we get it. Only this feeling doesn’t last long and when we want to feel this great again we need more. This way of trying to feel happiness makes us selfish and self-centred, with all its consequences.
Why is it so hard for us to be happy with what we got? Can’t we just be happy with looking at this beautiful world around us, giving and receiving love, friendships and the feeling of a healthy body that make everything possible?
I enjoy life and I’m almost constantly happy; not because I have everything I want, enjoy a lot of respect or posses a powerful position. The reason of my happiness is that I take pleasure in every part of life; like looking around and seeing the beauty of every part of the world, I feel joy when a stranger helps me or when I’m thanked for helping someone. The small things in life make it so special, but it’s your awareness to them and not taking them for granted that makes you enjoy them, enjoy life and fill the hole in your hart.

desperate for entertainment

Why am I so desperate for entertainment? Why can’t I just work on my drawings or paintings without listening to music? Or when I don’t know anything to do I turn on the TV, instead of going outside for inspiration or reading a book to expand my knowledge? Even worse I rather watch a movie than paint or draw. Why is it that I am addicted to this kind of entertainment? Why is it so hard to try not to waste my time this way?
It feels like my body wants to do as little as possible but also wants to be entertained. It’s lazy, it doesn’t want do the work that needs to be done to get the same amount of excitement that it get’s from just sitting and watching TV, even if that way the excitement feels more real and is more satisfying. Do I lack the mental strength to resist my physical urges? Or is it that I wasn’t thought the necessary discipline and encouraged enough to work hard?
This generation has become lazy, because little or no effort is required to live and be entertained. Working hard is not a must anymore to get somewhere in live, neither is discipline a part of our education. So we are not encouraged to work hard and feel its satisfaction, nor are we taught the discipline that’s needed to discover how much more satisfying the reward of hard work is than watching TV.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hypocrisy of man

How come we, the people who live on this planet, are such hypocrites? Why are we so naïve? Why are we so blind?
Why does a person cry when a close relative dies of old age after a beautiful live? Why does he put flowers around the tree a drunken kid from next door died when he crashed his scooter in it? Why does he participate in a silent march when some one gets killed in a bar fight?
But why doesn’t he cry when he reeds in the news paper how kids die needless deaths every minute, that only a few percentage of the hundred thousand trialled rapist (so there are many more) get convicted? Why doesn’t he try do something to stop brutality of his own species?
We are hypocrites, self-centred en naïve; we care about our self the most, then about the people closest to us. If something horrible happens in your vicinity it shakes you up and you are prepared to do something about it, but not as much as when it were someone close to you. But the most terrible and unthinkable things can all around the world without us really caring because it’s to distend, we can pretend that it isn’t real, we feel detached of the realty a few thousand kilometres away. We rather live our lives in denial, then deal with the reality of the world we created.
How can we be such hypocrites, to help and care so much about the people around us, but close our eyes to people to people who are desperate for our help and are dying because of the lack of it?