Sunday, January 3, 2010

Trying to grasp the concept of Non-Existence

Can you imagine a world without you in it? What would happen if you didn’t wake up tomorrow? What would the world be like if the entire human race were wiped from the face of the earth, ciphered out by evolution? Just like the limitless of space, these are questions we will never be able to truly understand let alone answer. Unlimited sushi in the sushi bar is already difficult to understand for most people (me included). Luckily they have rules and limitations in those places – you can only order 5 dishes per round and you can only eat for 2 hours – or else it would be unmanageable. Just as well as we need rules and limitations for our mind and make them up for the world around us so we can get trough this crazy life.

But still, a day will come that you won’t be there. Realising this once in a wile makes you appreciate life more and puts you life, achievements and plans into perspective. Or just makes you insecure, which is not bad a bad feeling from time to time.
Even though I can’t totally grasp the concept of non-existence I am going to give it a shot. Starting with my own absence in this world:

I belief that in the world without me almost everything would be the same, I am enough of a realist to know that I don’t play a significant part in this world (not yet at least). What would be different will be the lives of the people around me and not for the better I can proudly say. My mother wouldn’t be childless but I can honestly say that I am the most cheerful and lively one. My not being here would have spared my mother, father, brother and sister a lot of trouble (and my parents money) but I know that their lives would be a lot duller and less fun without me. I think this also goes for my friends, although I don’t think I caused them as much trouble, I hope. I try to be nice to all the people I meet so they would have missed that as well. So in all it is fair to say that overall I have a positive influence on the world around. On the rest of the world I have little effect. I do influence it, but in ways and on such a low and slow scale I will never know about it.
To keep this string of thoughts understandable this is all for the world without me.

A more interesting thought is what the world would look like without us humans. Have you ever ask yourself that question? What now follows is my vision of world without people:

There is only untamed nature; survival of the fittest is still in full swing and it is every species for itself and not all for one. Technology is a rock to crack nuts and shells. Species still die out and there is still global warming, but this is due too natural process and selection. There is no real progress just adaptation. There is balance and continuity. It is terribly boring, reproducing and keeping everything the way it is. But there is no needles killing (just eating), greed, cruelty and child abuse. Until the world ends in about a (few) million years, due to the ending (heating, expending, explosion) of the sun.

From my point of view the world is not a real fun place to be without intelligent self-aware life forms. This doesn’t mean that I think that the world is better of with us inhabiting it. Because we are not near as intelligent and self-aware as needed to be able to see the consequences of our actions, to realise that our selfish and cruel ways are really counterproductive. But I hope we can come to our senses before we destroy ourselves in some sort of global genocide and try to get the hell of this planet before it is to late. But if we die out, maybe then another intelligent species will arise due to evolution that will be able to do a better job then we did. Lets all hope for that to happen.

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