Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Illusion of Control

You must think you are in control of your life. You probably have a job, a house and all the other aspects of what you consider a normal life in this modern society. You are responsible for them and in control. Even considering your family you think you have some measure of control. In short you are in control of your surroundings.

But everything can end in seconds; you can get fired, your house can burn down, and your life or that of the people around you can, for instance, end just as fast by a car accident. All you thought you were in control of can be taken away, so quick you didn’t see in coming. So there is only the illusion of control. You can help an apple tree grow or destroy it, but whatever you do, an apple tree will always be an apple tree. It can never be an orange tree; no matter how hard you try. The same goes for your entire life; you have some measure of influence, but most things happen without regarding your efforts and wishes.

So let go of this illusion, don’t waste your energy on the incontrollable. Don’t take your life to serious and get to attached to your belongings, because all things can be gone tomorrow. Enjoy every day of your life and everything and everyone you have around you. Don’t worry about thing you have no control over and especially don’t take yourself and the things you do and have to serious. Because when it ends they don’t mean anything.

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