Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The power of sacrifice, lack of foresight’s destructiveness.

All people are environmentalists, caring about their surroundings, as long as it doesn’t cost them anything. Everyone has the best at hart for everything, but the reason nothing real is being done about the environment and human rights is that only a few want to sacrifice something, no great manager will give up his well paying job for a less paying job at environmental friendly concern. Only some really dedicate time to contributing to the environment when they could be doing something that would benefit them selves. It is a really hard thing to do, sacrificing yourself for the benefit of others.
But people tent to give something for the benefit of the environment and others, but more to sooth their conscience then out of love and caring for this world and its inhabitants. So they only give just enough to feel good about themselves, instead of enough to make others feel better.
Another problem is that people only look a few steps ahead. Everybody wants see fast results and everything has to happen now and if not now soon. Nobody seems to be able to grasp the idea of scarifying now for greater profit and benefit of others later. Even if the profit will be greater in the long run, people have difficulties with the sacrifice that has to be made now. They rather have something now, then to have more later. Everybody is so frightened, to lose the wealth the have acquired, nobody is willing to give up just a little, not even for the benefit of the entire world. No country is willing to sacrifice economically, for the benefit of the environment, out of fear that they will lose power en be over run by the countries that don’t join them in this plan and so lose everything. Almost every country rather exploits third world countries, keep them small and profit from the work that is done there, instead of helping them to build a strong economy of their own. This would in the long run probably benefit them more. This is what is really destroying this world; people wanting more and more, the more they get the more they are afraid to lose it and the less they are willing to give something up for others.

Sacrificing something of yours for someone else will cost you now, but always will benefit you later. So give and get even more in return.

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