Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What do they think of me?

An average woman has a healthy and regular build, a slight hourglass figure and some body fat. But she thinks of herself as having more fat and a plump figure, she wants to be thinner than she actually is and thinks that men like to see her as she wants to be; while the average men like her the most with the figure she has now. So she feels bad about her body, while there is absolutely no reason.
An average man has a little belly and more fat than is deeded for a flat figure. He thinks of himself as being more muscular and with less fat than he really has. According to him women like him the most the way he thinks he is, but actually women like to see him thinner and less muscular, even thinner than he really is. So the man is satisfied with his body, while he is absolutely wrong.
Why is it so important what other people think of us?

An other thing is that when we look in a mirror we tent to look only at our flaws, because we think in ‘problems that need to be solved’, we overlook all the features that are alright, just for the reason that nothing needs to be done about them. We end up with thinking we don’t look ok, even though the defects might not outweigh the beautiful features. So what we think about ourselves and what we see in the mirror is not what the rest of the world sees.

The same goes for what other people might think of us. Because we are focused on our faults we think that everybody sees them and will see it when we slip up. Nothing is further from the truth; nobody is paying attention to our flaws. Everybody is to busy with his or her own faults and thinking about what everybody else is thinking of them. Considering we will never know for sure what somebody else is thinkin, it is a waist to spend time and energy on something that will only make you feel bad and insecure. Just think that no matter how secure everybody around you pretends to be, they are all wandering what everybody else is thinking about them and are just as insecure as you (were).

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